The proposed design introduces a scheme on a current vacant site at Front Street / Scotswood Road adjoining Lemington Gut. This is to provide a new Cycle Hub and ‘Drive-Thru’ facility with a first-floor restaurant. It is an exciting design for a landmark building with eight small retail units with under croft car parking, cycle parking facilities and outside seating areas. The proposals create the possibility of a new safe cycle route connecting with Hadrian's Way. There will be secure cycle storage and seating areas overlooking the River Tyne with a high standard of landscaping. This is intended to include a green wall on the back of the carpark and a green roof to part of the Power House building.

The below images show Computer Generated Imagery of the proposed development and architect plans showing the proposed site plan, site map and East, West and South elevations.

It is expected that a full planning application will be submitted to Newcastle Council by June 2023.

Glassworks Point


Cloth Market


Heathery Lane, Gosforth